The Shaw Group was selected to complete pipe fabrication services and O2/Combustible analyzer system enclosures for a valued customer and renewable fuels facility located in Northern Canada. The refinery was undergoing a biofuel conversion project to make aviation fuel and diesel from used cooking oil, corn oil and animal fat.
The project consisted of 255 pipe spools and 2,800 feet of Inconel 625. This work was completed in our Clearfield, Utah fabrication facility.
The analyzer system enclosures were completed at our Lake Charles, Louisiana Integration and Fabrication Facility. The team also helped perform the installation, startup, and commissioning services of the analyzer systems.
The O2/Combustible analyzer enclosures were installed on process-fired heaters and will help optimize combustion efficiency, minimize emissions, reduce unneeded fuel consumption, and help detect potential hazards of incomplete combustion. These integrated enclosures are rated for arctic conditions and hazardous areas to ensure the analyzers’ protection from the elements and continuous operation.
Our team of experienced analyzer system engineers, technicians and designers can customize and design each integrated analyzer system with meticulous attention to detail, reliability and field operation/maintainability kept in mind.
Our customers know they can trust us when they need help with high-quality, turn-key, integrated solutions delivered on time and at an expedited schedule.